Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies
So delicious
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Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
15 min
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
15 min
  1. 1 1/3 c AP flour
  2. 1/2 tsp baking soda
  3. 1/2 tsp baking powder
  4. 1/2 tsp salt
  5. 1/2 tsp cocoa powder (optional)
  1. 1/2 c softened butter
  2. 1/2 c brown sugar
  3. 1/2 c white sugar
  4. 1 egg
  5. 1 tsp vanilla extract
  1. 1 c semisweet chocolate chips
  2. walnuts? almonds? gummy bears?? whatever extra stuff you like!
  1. 1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. 2. Mix dry ingredients together well
  3. 3. Cream butter with sugar until you can't see clumps of butter anymore
  4. 4. Mix in egg and vanilla
  5. 5. Mix dry in wet
  6. 6. Pour in chocolate chips
  7. 7. Shape into vaguely ball shaped objects, and place on baking sheet well spaced.
  8. 8. Bake for 15 minutes, but check the oven around 10 minutes or so. Cookies should still be soft when coming out of the oven, as long as the bottom of the cookies are brown
  9. 8. Eat delicious cookies.
  1. Depending on the condition of the butter, the resulting dough may be either too crumbly or too watery. If too crumbly, use 1/2 tsp of milk to get the dough to form. If too watery, refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes or so until firm.
  2. Watery dough will cause the cookies to spread a lot and be really thin. Crumbly dough will make your cookies taste like rocks. Your preference though, haha.
sophie's blog
Chocolate chip cookies were the first things I ever baked. It was for a bake sale back in 4th grade, and I made the cookies from a mix. Because even back then I was a super baker and totally great at reading instructions, I left the cookies in the oven to cool instead of taking them out and rock hard cookies the next day, haha. (My teacher told me they were delicious anyways… Man, he was a great teacher. ;_;)

A decade later, I have refined the cookie baking process, and have come up with a recipe that seems to be received pretty well. The card is at the top of the post, but more detailed instructions and pictures will be below.

Preheat the oven to 350F.

First dump all the dry ingredients into one bowl and mix it well. You could sift the flour, or you could be lazy like me and just use an whisk to get stuff mixed. (Cocoa powder is super helpful here, since mixing is usually finished when I can’t see the cocoa anymore.)

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Next, take the stick of butter and cut it up into roughly 5-6 pieces. If your butter isn’t softened at this point, put the cut pieces in the microwave for 10 seconds. Otherwise, pour the half cup of white/brown sugar into the butter and mix. (Smaller pieces of butter makes creaming easier.)

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When first mixing, the butter/sugar will get clumpy. Keep going until it all clumps up and sticks to the electric mixer paddle.

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Get all the butter out of the paddle and mix in your egg and vanilla. At this point, the butter/sugar mix should be pretty watery. Pour the dry ingrediants you set aside earlier into the wet.

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Next is my favorite part. CHOCOLATE 😀 😀 😀 😀


Yes, this is a 5lb bag of chocolate chips.

Pour the chocolate into the bowl as well, and mix everything together. The final texture of the cookie dough should feel a bit like a slightly squishy stress ball. If you can’t easily shape the dough, you’ll need to stick it in the fridge for a bit.



Form those tablespoon sized balls of cookie dough and put it in the oven!

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After 10-15 minutes, delicious cookies will be ready for nomming and your house will smell like chocolate and happiness. Enjoy with milk.


Good luck!

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